We have a quality management system duly certificated to ISO 9001:2015 standards.

Among the main benefits of our QMS, we highlight:


Continuous improvement of processes and services

Intellectual and professional development

Competitiveness and operational performance

Organizational culture and institutional image



Become market leaders, being recognized for the ethical conduct and quality of services.


Provide Customs and logistics services to meet and exceed customers’ expectations, by ensuring the success of their operations and promoting the mutual growth and competitive strengthening.

Quality Policy

Excellence: ensure the quality of services, through a capable and dynamic structure, meeting the applicable requirements and seeking constant evolution, supported by commitment, creativity and professionalism.


Competitiveness: manage human, technical and financial resources, aiming to enlarge productivity and profitability, prioritizing agility and efficiency to the customers.




Alliance Declaration

Our directors and employees undertake to follow the highest ethical principles in the fulfillment of their obligations, rendering high standard professional services, based on honesty, dignity, veracity, accuracy, impartiality and responsibility, as well as committing to the improvement of their skills, in order to assure the company’s prestige and credibility.

Personal Conduct Rules

Personal presentation should be adequate to daily commitments, by excelling the good appearance as a factor of motivation to the work.

The respect for the human being is essential and any type of discrimination such as of religion, race, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, politics or any other issues are unacceptable.

Keep parsimony and discretion, avoiding the use of negative or derogatory terms. This way, any comments, criticisms or suggestions should be presented in a positive and reserved way.

Base the relationships in data and facts, respect and solidarity.

Professional Conduct Rules

Everyone is responsible for their own professional development and should search for it permanently.


The services execution must be planned and validated previously to its realization.


Any unresolved matter generated during the services execution must be immediately associated to a priority, by designating deadlines and persons in charge.


It is sheltered the confidential character of any information obtained during the services execution. Reveal of confidential information to the competent authorities will be allowed only in the strict fulfillment of the law.

Commercial Conduct Rules

The accepted commercial proposal, tacitly or expressly, becomes a formal commitment in all its terms and conditions.


The reciprocal commitments must be documented, by observing the maximum specificity and confidentiality.


It is mandatory the complaint of any possible conflicts of interest.


It is allowed to disclose the customers list in commercial proposals and advertising campaigns upon their prior consent.




Anticorruption Rules

Observe ethical, moral and legal principles when rendering services, particularly, the consonants with anticorruption laws.


Comply with and supervise the fulfillment of national and international anticorruption laws, including Law nbr. 12.846 / 13 and Decree nbr. 8.420 / 15, as well as the law against corruption practices overseas (FCPA - Foreign Corrupt Practices Act) of the USA and any other laws and standards applicable against corruption, bribery, money laundering, political contributions, commissions, gratuities, gifts, hospitalities or expenses refunds to public or private entities.


It is forbidden to pay, promise, offer to pay or authorize the payment of any pecuniary amount, or deliver, promise, offer to deliver or authorize the delivery of any object of value, to any agent, member, employee or representative of any government or entity of the public administration, directly or indirectly, candidate for politician office, political party or member of a political party, or to any person or company, in order to obtain or keep business for or with such public or private entity, or ensure any improper advantage.

Notify the responsible and the competent authorities, in the hypothesis of taking knowledge of any past, current or future act that results in an effective or potential violation or conflict to any anticorruption standard.

What is LGPD?

The Law nº 13.709/2018 is known as the General Data Protection Law (“Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados”) and aims to effect privacy in an increasingly dynamic and data-driven world. Through fundamentals, principles and rules to be observed by companies, public bodies and organizations of any nature, the LGPD's intention is to promote an environment of responsible use of personal data.

What is personal data?

Object of specific protection of the LGPD, personal data is information that identifies or makes identifiable a natural person. The LGPD, therefore, protects data of different types and used in various categories of treatment, such as:


Some personal data are specially protected by law. They are considered sensitive, as they can lead the holder to threat, prejudice or embarrassment, such as sexual orientation, religious belief, party affiliation, ethnicity, biometric data and health information.


Contact Data, such as your phone number, address or email

Identification Data, such as your name and an identity document

Professional Data, such as your place of employment or qualifications

Behavioral Data, such as online browsing history or consumption preferences

Geoeconomic Data, such as geolocation, nationality and income

Indirect Data, such as your car's license plate or your computer's IP address

Legal Basis for Processing Personal Data

Within the context of privacy enforcement, the LGPD determines that personal data can only be processed if there is a legal basis that authorizes it. In other words, personal data can only be processed if one or more of the following conditions are present:


Consent for treatment

Compliance with legal or regulatory duties

Treatment by the Public Administration for the execution of public policies

Conducting studies by research bodies

When necessary to comply with the contract or preliminary negotiations

When necessary to exercise rights in judicial or administrative proceedings

When necessary to protect the life or physical safety of the holder or third party

By health professionals in procedures that protect health

To meet legitimate interests, observing the rights of the holders

For credit protection

For sensitive data, which have greater protection under the law, the processing possibilities are even more limited. Therefore, this treatment must be carefully evaluated before being promoted.


How should data be handled in compliance with the LGPD?

The Law establishes a series of conditions and precautions to be adopted so that the processing of personal data is considered legitimate.

Among the fundamentals, principles and rules of governance established by law, we highlight some crucial points:


Transparency: data processing agents must prepare themselves to communicate frankly and assertively their activities that involve processing personal data.


Legitimacy: the processing of data must have a purpose previously declared and supported by a legal basis. The treatment must be suitable for the intended purpose, in order to avoid the misuse of purpose, a hypothesis that constitutes a violation of privacy.


Security: personal data, even if treated legitimately, must be protected against unauthorized access by third parties, theft, loss, unauthorized modification or discriminatory use. Treatment agents need to adopt technical or administrative controls to avoid exposure to these risks.


Service to Data Subjects: the holders of personal data are holders of rights that must be observed by the data processing agents. Companies, organizations and institutions must structure compliance with eventual requests for confirmation of the existence of treatment, requests for updating or correction of data, oppositions to treatment and revocations of consent.





Personal Data Protection at Commander

The privacy of customers, partners and employees is part of our corporate mission efforts. We provide services without neglecting the protection of personal data, ensuring their legitimate, safe and efficient treatment.


In order to comply with the LGPD, we have structured a governance program in privacy and protection of personal data, aimed at promoting the involvement of the entire company in the culture of data protection, ensuring legitimacy to the treatment, strengthening security controls and structuring the service to holders of personal data.


Privacy Team

To coordinate the actions of our privacy program and guarantee the commitment of all those involved in actions to protect personal data, Commander established a privacy team structured through a committee that deliberates on security and data protection issues. This team is led by the Privacy Coordinator, who is responsible for processing personal data in accordance with the LGPD (art. 41).


Our coordinator is responsible for monitoring compliance with the LGPD, acting as the main contact with authorities and data subjects, promoting a culture of privacy, in addition to validating and implementing policies and procedures for the protection of personal data.


If you would like to obtain any further clarification, please contact our privacy coordinator by the email privacy@commander.com.br


What is Commander's approach to privacy?

To comply with LGPD and other data protection laws, Commander has defined a privacy strategy encompassing a comprehensive framework of policies, procedures, resources and contributors.


In addition to forming the privacy team, which runs the Privacy Program, the strategy included the evaluation of its internal processes to identify the personal data processed, its purposes, form of processing and legal basis, enabling the identification of privacy risks.


In order for the survey to be carried out and the identified risks to be controlled, the company structured a series of policies and procedures aimed at controlling, reducing or removing privacy risks.


These procedures involve the adoption of risk assessment practices for data protection, formatting procedures for customer service and incident response management, evaluation planning and program evolution, among other management measures.



What are the purposes of the personal data processed by Commander?

After surveying the activities involving personal data through the various sectors of the company, Commander identified the main purposes, specifically regarding the maintenance of the corporate IT system, called Sislog, which data can be processed to:

Enable Commander to interact with customers, through e-mails, telephone contacts or direct messages, to forward information on processes, proposals, collections, registrations and other interactions with its customers;


Keep a record of the activities performed and allow the management of contracts, including the eventual regular exercise of rights.


Is the data safe on Commander?

In the execution of activities and data processing, as an Operator under the LGPD, Commander undertakes to adopt appropriate measures of managerial and technical data security controls, aimed at avoiding undue access, loss, unauthorized modification and unavailability of personal data.


Commander helps its customers to comply with art. 46 of the LGPD, as its system involves the native use of security measures.


The system has technical control measures, such as: (i) Access Permissions Management; (ii) Exclusive Users; (iii) Password complexity and expiration rules; (iv) Procedure for Revoking and Changing Accesses; and (v) Logging of access and reporting logs.


In addition, data is handled using encryption capabilities for stand-by and in transit data.




Privacy Coordinator Contacts and Requests

If you need any further clarification on how we handle personal data, our Privacy Coordinator is at your disposal. Contact us by e-mail forwarding your questions, complaints or requests to the address privacy@commander.com.br